#BloodMoneyMyanmar: Press Conference (Jan. 27th)

TotalEnergies & Chevron are divesting – what does this mean?

Blood Money Campaign (BMC) x Global Myanmar Spring Revolution (GMSR) in collaboration Info Birmanie from France — will be holding the press conference on the topic above.

Recording of the Press Conference

Human rights and democracy activists as well as civil society organisations around the world, especially the oppressed civilians inside Myanmar and Myanmar diaspora around the world have been calling on TotalEnergies and Chevron to stop funding gas revenue to the military junta and instead to transfer these foreign revenues into an escrow account. Now that TotalEnergies and Chevron announced that they will exit Myanmar in 6 months time, GMSRxBMC & Info Birmanie will hold a press conference addressing the potential consequences from their withdrawals.

27 January (Thursday)

France Standard Time 11 a.m. | Myanmar Standard Time 4:30 pm | California Standard Time: 2 a.m.

Debbie Stothard, founder of ALTSEAN Burma, Advocate & Trainer for Women’s Leadership, Business & Human Rights


1. Sophie Brondel of Info Birmanie from France, former lawyer on International Human Rights Law, Criminal Law & Minority Rights,

2. Maw Tun Aung, Managing Director of Myanma Oil and Gas Enterprise of NUG Myanmar.

3. Ben Hardman, Lawyer, Myanmar Legal & Political Advisor, EarthRights International

4. Mulan, Youth Human Rights Activist, Campaigner for Blood Money Campaign & Women Activists Myanmar (WAM)

5. Ko Ye, Natural Resources, Mineral & Fossil Fuels Activists & Blood Money Campaign Activist.

Registration: bit.ly/TotalEnergiesPC2

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