
On this page activities linked to the call for a Transcontinental May Day (TMD) will be listed.

May 1st: The Garment Workers’ Trade Union Centre (GWTUC) calls for rallies in nine different industrial areas of the capital city of Bangladesh.

May 1st: May Day demo called by the University of Florida (UF) Radical Student Alliance among others

Hamburg (local May Day call)
April 28th: Input and film screening on life and working conditions of  workers on the tea plantation Margaret’s Hope (Darjeeling, West Bengal).
May 1st: Anticapitalist, antinationalist and transcontinental bloc at the general May Day rally that is also critical of the German Federation of Trade Unions (DGB).
May 2nd: Rally at Gebrüder Wollenhaupt GmbH (tea wholesaler) in solidarity with the plantation workers struggling for better working conditions. Gebrüder Wollenhaupt GmbH also profits from tea produced at Margaret’s Hope plantation.
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May 1st: Rallies in different cities across the country (e.g. Casablanca) connecting the local struggle with the transnational struggle for emancipatory societies, mainly using art and music to express our message and effectively drawing more students to participate in the workers’ demonstration. Activities are organized by the network UECSE.

May 1st: Public general assembly in the city centre of the capital of Burma (Myanmar) called by ABFSU.

Please announce your activities by leaving a comment below or sending an email to the TMD mailing list []. Same goes for visual materials (e.g. posters) and local calls that can be published on this blog.